Homeoprophylaxis - using homeopathy to educate the immune system
By Emily Wiggins, ND
Many parents are looking for an alternative way of supporting their children’s immune systems to be better prepared for encountering viruses and bacteria out in the world. In this country, the only option widely available has really been traditional vaccines. Much of the rest of the world also acknowledges another option called homeoprophylaxis (HP).
What is Homeoprophylaxis?
Homeoprophylaxis is an alternative way of educating the immune system to better prevent and respond to infectious diseases, using homeopathy.
It is an immunity support option that is free of needles and other toxins.
Homeoprophylaxis is delivered via homeopathic sucrose pellets containing energetic information of different diseases. The pellets are melted in the mouth, which allows for very simple administration for children and infants. Please note: Homeoprophylaxis is not vaccination or immunization.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a style of medicine developed over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. At the time he recognized people were being treated for malaria with cinchona bark and he made the connection that cinchona bark given to healthy individuals causes symptoms much like malaria.
From there he developed the concept of “like cures like”, which means that substances that cause certain symptoms can, in homeopathic preparation, cure the same symptoms.
Other principles of homeopathy include to use the least doses necessary to make change. Pharmaceutical and even some herbal and nutraceutical dosing can fall in the large dose category because the doses are given at much higher levels. Homeopathic dosing is extremely low.
The way homeopathic remedies are made is by creating a tincture or extract of a substance and then diluting it over and over again and tapping, also called succussing, the remedy to transfer the information and energetic signature of the substance on to the water molecules. The more diluted, the stronger the energetic signature and potency of the remedy. After a certain number of dilutions, no actual molecules of the substance can be found in the remedy and only the energetic signature of the substance is contained in the water and then applied to the sucrose pellets that deliver most homeopathic remedies.
How is Homeoprophylaxis Administered?
Homeoprophylaxis uses a specific type of homeopathic remedy, called a nosode. Nosodes are given orally, one disease remedy at a time and stimulate general immunity. This type of immunity is very similar to if a person acquired a disease naturally. The doses are given in a specific order over several months to years. The remedies are delivered via sucrose pellets dissolved in the mouth. Remedies can be easily given at any age, including newborns and infants.
How effective is Homeoprophylaxis?
Based on the extensive research of Dr. Isaac Golden, homeoprophylaxis has been shown to be 90% effective. Vaccination efficacy ranges from 40-99% in comparison.
Historically, there has been clear evidence of the value and effectiveness of HP. As reported by Dr. Golden, in 1998 there was an outbreak of meningococcal meningitis in Brazil. Many doctors there also practiced and were open to homeopathy and HP to support the outbreak. 65,826 were given HP and 23,539 children were not. The two groups of children were followed for 12 months. At 6 months, the efficacy of the HP was 95% and at 12 months it was 91%. Rates like these have been seen with outbreaks over and over again throughout history, especially in scarlet fever, small pox and Spanish flu.
Does homeoprophylaxis produce an antibody response?
There is currently no strong evidence that an antibody response has been found using HP. Current research is being conducted to look into this matter more specifically. That being said, homeopathy does not rely on an antibody response necessarily to understand and determine protection against specific diseases therefore antibody response is irrelevant as a means of determining efficacy in this case.
Why choose homeoprophylaxis?
Homeoprophylaxis is considered to be a safe and effective way of educating the immune system against different infectious diseases.
Homeoprophylaxis is relative affordable There are no risks or side effects
Homeoprophylaxis contains no toxins, heavy metals or other adjuvants
Administration is by mouth, rather than injection Homeoprophylaxis can be given at any age
Travel Homeoprophylaxis
Homeoprophylaxis is a great option for protecting against endemic diseases when traveling. Many countries recommend protection against specific diseases before entering the country.
HP can provide education to the immune system prior to travel so that the body will better handle exposure and reduce the likelihood of illness. Additionally, the education of the immune system begins as soon as the remedy has been taken.
Get Homeopathy Guidance from our Team of Naturopathic Doctors at Terrain
If you are interested in learning more about our Homeoprophylaxis services, please schedule a discovery call with one of our providers.
We meet with patients in our clinic in Bend Oregon or virtually across the country.
Resources: The Solution: A Parent’s Guide to Educating Your Child’s Immune System by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott
The Complete Practitioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis by Dr. Isaac Golden