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Written by Our Team of Naturopathic Doctors

Is Levothyroxine Right for Everyone with Hypothyroidism?
Women's Health Lisa Russell Women's Health Lisa Russell

Is Levothyroxine Right for Everyone with Hypothyroidism?

Levothyroxine is the standard treatment for hypothyroidism, but it may not work for everyone. Since thyroid function involves multiple organs and processes, addressing imbalances requires more than just hormone replacement. A holistic approach—including diet, lifestyle, and targeted supplementation—can help optimize thyroid health. If you’re still experiencing symptoms, it may be time to explore alternative solutions.

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Top Tips to Reduce Bloating During Your Menstrual Period
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

Top Tips to Reduce Bloating During Your Menstrual Period

Approximately 70% of women suffer from increased bloating around their menstrual period. Bloating and other PMS symptoms are caused by fluctuations in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Women who have inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) are more likely to experience increased cyclical gastrointestinal symptoms. While it can be difficult to completely resolve increased bloating, gas and constipation around your menses, you can decrease symptom severity and feel more comfortable during your monthly cycle. Dietary choices, exercise and natural supplementation can be effective in decreasing period bloating woes.

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The Estrogen-Hashimoto’s Connection
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

The Estrogen-Hashimoto’s Connection

Hashimoto’s is the most common cause of hypothyroidism and is an extremely prevalent autoimmune disease that is said to affect 1-2% of the population. The job of the thyroid is to regulate the metabolism and body temperature, which ultimately is important for every cell and organ of the body. Because of that, symptoms of hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease can show in my many different systems.

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Progesterone Cream for Fertility and Hormone Imbalance
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

Progesterone Cream for Fertility and Hormone Imbalance

Progesterone cream is often the recommendation when a woman has low progesterone. It's easy to find over the counter and it makes sense that if you're low in progesterone, it's probably worth supplementing. We like to take a few steps back from that thinking and consider why you might not be producing enough progesterone and start building up the system that way. Let's first take a look at what progesterone does for you body and why it's important.

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How to Boost Progesterone Naturally
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

How to Boost Progesterone Naturally

So maybe you've been tracking your cycle and you notice you have a short luteal phase, which is generally less than 10 days between ovulation and bleeding time, or you just had your progesterone tested and it came back low. It's possible your doctor recommended progesterone cream and maybe you're looking for other ways to increase your own production of progesterone. Here are my top progesterone production boosting tips!

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How to Naturally Heal Psoriasis and Eczema in Children and Adults
Kid's Health, Women's Health Kelcie Harris Kid's Health, Women's Health Kelcie Harris

How to Naturally Heal Psoriasis and Eczema in Children and Adults

When those painful, itchy patches of eczema and psoriasis erupt, doctors of natural medicine ask, 'what is causing this condition to present at this time?' The Greek translation of eczema means "to boil out," so the question makes sense: holistic physicians look for the underlying root causes that bring about these skin eruptions. Although they create similar discomforts for the people afflicted, psoriasis and eczema are different in important ways.

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Natural Solutions For PCOS
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

Natural Solutions For PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), one of the most common endocrine (hormone) disorders, affects approximately 10 million women of all races and ethnic groups worldwide. It's the leading cause of infertility in women and can present at any life stage - from puberty through post-menopause.

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Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Women's Health Kelcie Harris Women's Health Kelcie Harris

Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles

A normal menstrual cycle is a reflection of a woman’s overall vitality. Some doctors have even proposed that the menstrual cycle should be considered the “fifth vital sign”, arguing that it is as important as having a healthy blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and respiratory rate. There are variations to what a “normal” cycle is from woman to woman. Often times “normal” is what is normal for you. The length of your cycle, amount of blood, color of the blood and frequency of bleeding can tell you a lot about your health.

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